Saturday, November 11, 2017

Major Project: Workspace Pic, More Reilly Heads

Looking back at my older posts, I realized that the scanner isn't picking up on some of my lighter pencil sketches. This time I went into Photoshop and made the images a little darker. Hopefully that should make a big difference!

Here's a pic of my humble sketching place. My scanner is on the bookshelf behind the drawing table. You can see my sketchbook on the scanner bed.

I'm still working on getting the Reilly Head Abstraction committed to memory. It's coming along well! When I first started, I thought "there's no way I'll remember all of the lines!" I've watched Chris Petrocchi's demonstration of the Reilly Head in front view, side view, and 3/4 view about five times. He goes really fast in this particular video, so I had to pause multiple times in order to keep up. After I would do a drawing along with Petrocchi, I'd try to remember all the steps from memory and draw it again. I feel like this week, I've made good progress. I'm really happy that I can also remember the proportions of the head. Super important to get that down cold. 

I took four or five pages to practice drawing circles. Only included one here. 

Brows on fleek. Ears need work. 

Profile practice

Now that I'm gaining confidence with the Reilly Head, I'm going to start drawing the head at more extreme tilts. Later, I'll try to apply the rhythm lines to these sketches.

I referenced Stan Prokopenko's video How to Draw the Head from Any Angle for this page of sketches. 

I used this video of famed cartoonist Burne Hogarth to do this last sketch.   

The poor man looks mildly concerned...

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