Thursday, November 23, 2017

Major Project: Using a Landmark to Position the Head

This week I worked more from Chris Petrocchi's video (two Screenshots below) to refresh my memory.

The next page of drawings and notes are from watching the video tutorial by Schoolism called Drawing the head from different angles. His method involves using the nose prism as a landmark for positioning the rest of the head's features. I think with more practice it would be useful to me. The only drawback of this video, for me, is that he was working from photo references rather than pulling the heads from his imagination. Still a good video, though. 

I didn't do as much drawing as I'd like to this week, but I'm going to get back on my game once I finish my final paper for Psych class. I did these last night after watching about half of Steve Huston's extra long lecture on drawing the head at work. I like the technique he demonstrates of using the ear to position the head in space. I need to practice it. 

Screenshots from Huston's video: 

My one page of sketches: 

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