Friday, October 20, 2017

Working Outline

Working Outline

·         Understand the structure of the human body and its components
·         Understand the mechanisms by which the body moves
·         Understand and know by heart the types of folds by name
·         Make drawings appear more solid
·         Explain the difference between modeling, rendering, and other levels of drawing
·         Come up with a solid head and body from imagination

·         Oil painting technique
o  Do an oil painting of my great-grandmother
·         Acrylic painting technique
·         Watercolor technique
·         Do the same still life in all 3 media

Ceramics and Sculpture
·         Papier-mâché technique
·         Throwing a cup on the potter’s wheel
·         Build a figure armature from imagination
·         Read a book of hand-building clay sculpture
·         Learn how a kiln works

·         Print a large woodcut of a person
·         Do a 3-layer etching
·         Do a 4 or 5 layer linocut
·         Understand how an etching press, letterpress, and a lithography press are put together and understand their mechanisms and parts
·         Memorize the process of printing a lithograph

·         Understand the methods of hand-drawn animators (not just the drawing part)
·         Understand and know by heart the 12 principles of animation
·         Come up with a technique for making short animations
·         Understand the relationship between weight, timing, and spacing

·         Understand how a camera works
·         Understand the basic process of printing a black and white photograph in the darkroom

Tech Stuff
·         Become acquainted with the basic functions of Adobe Illustrator

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